In the silver silence a piercing
quiver slung down her arched back
the venom inside ready to spout forth

His tort lips said it all
and his piercing eye
like beaded butter staring
starkly at her glare....

face to face in combat stance
Who's triggering the vowel ... 
Both lips are tight and pursed
which one will dare to utter first....
their defending beaming words....
 that which wrenches
  fully apart 
splits the pea and breaks the heart ....

So then to choose
to win or loose

 the blessed C.D  collection....


She ate humble pie
 for all his land  to weep and sih
 in ghost thoughts black and bloated sky
  Her Hearts bleak readiness to cry....

So spill forth
The pump of Blood Red tears
The cursed black broken fears
 The handcuffed ready salted tears....
Her creased blue years
 The  horrid hate
The bleeding pain....

The love you thought to win
 in flames
In you
In him
to keep the same

Devours the pastry
  grain by grain
 The cook to serve
and  portion blame

She's eating 
Humble pie

Femme Fatal

Beware her hair the liquid stare
beware the Hound that sits in there 
it rises up like Phoenix and with gust enflames the blood 
It rises up and captures hearts with promises of love...

The vunerable will fall
felled trees that once stood tall 
too weakened by her manner
beware the wedding planner....

To be stung by killer bee would be a safer fate alas 
beware the Baskerville the daughters
 head in laughing gas....

Gentleman proceed with caution 
go forth with utmost care  
If you wish your hearts remain untattered
think before you enter there...

And did I say



It rains blood red and acid cursed 
the water from the opened sky
 Bleeds the plants the trees and life
 all that flys and passes by
 flourished flash the floods
the very soul of nature in her path 
and waits to grapple down in droves
 and cover her in ash and dark 
shedding skin he turns within
 itself an ambient bitter torrent
 All  is flushed and  gushed
 that dares to enter in his path 
He leaves her cold eyed
 worried doom 
And Drowns her heart
In Catacomb 
She Earth lies old 
without her womb....
behold the pale horse cometh soon 
The Grey Grey thunder....

(C) Helena C Carta



life once resided here
inside his ticking tocking heart
 now death is taking 
its merciless shape
 all enveloping 
life was hot blood here
All aahs
and warm emotion 
sexual, kind 
 liberated and sublime 

Lonely Wanting 
Skinny pale
whilst withering  
Within no love lives
Death dwells inside 
with only the dark blanket
of loneliness
 wrapping his aging skin

As a sorrowed song sings 
 there's little comfort from the fear 
of aging 


such a dreadful thing has happened 
On her way through life
She met a man who had
 a dog 
a cat 
and then 
a wife 
a surly guy with bitter needs 
like chocolate 
more than greed

She had his picture in her eyes 
his face was fair his eyes were wide 
and in the moment their minds locked 
She saw herself inside and flocked 
to all the places in him deep 
began to know him wake and sleep
and when he came to her in dreams 
She'd walk his
 Land and be his schemes

The darkest Hollow feeling lurched 
 Empty as a derelict Church 
and twice as cold 
and thoughtless
A faithful pain
 that never parts 
began to hang around...

It nurtured all the feelings 
 inadaquate and hurt
 and raised  it's head to cleanse away
 The Guilt
The Shame
The Dirt

For he was the Darkest Lover 
hidden in her undergrowth 
the darkest lover 
of them all

Who would  
when fancy took him

Come to call...

(c) Helena C Carta


The skull 
stares back at me 
Cold Hollow Eyed 
Through plated glass
loomed stark and sighed
 A once breathing being
a person such as me 
Each Holy breath for granted 
Each morsel taking liberty

No slave to the water bearer 
You or  I 
Earthly gifts abate our hunger  
  things that money shouldn't buy
 Yes Skull
and I  

Oddly this is how it is  
The pivotal force behind Creation
  striving to survive
Gods orchestrated symphonies 
  keeping us alive 
So gloriously arranged 
So the grass It seeds
 And the grass It grows 
So freely, just as we do
 and the water Falls 
and the water Flows 
so freely just like we do 

And this primate fleshless bone 
Who's air filled lungs sighed blood and cried
Now cold as Lapis stone 

A force once sung in here
In him resided Crimson Blue
 A ticking tocking Heart 

Courting the Mercy of the hammer
In the name of  Death and

Truth kissed Souls die searching 
blazing planets orbit Mars 
Prophets play the chords within us
Death turns us into Stars 

And in the stillness of the Raven Blue 
and the jewel bedazzled sky

Ours is not to question
Ours is not to wonder why
 It is the Diamonds on the Skull
And not the skull itself
Which makes it's worth beyond belief
and Priceless

Beyond Wealth...



With voluminous eye
He rearranges me
every set of glances fortified with a gust
for lust

It sits pale as the morning on his face
and a beautiful hue
glows deep within him
A smile dances wryly across his soft skin
and Love love love
rides up in him

He sits at ease in the easy chair
his slim dark features
locks of greasy hair

how cool and unsettling
He sits and stares
how cool and unsettling  in his under wears 

How cool


Bellowing lovers floating on the airy silence
It has been a decade past since I have tasted your firm lush lips
Basked in all antiquity and heavy as the morning...

The Blood red Sun rises its last head to the East
The She wind blows a Canyon size hole 
through  hemorrhaging Mother Earth

And as The End of the world 
gears up for its final curtain call

(c) Helena.C. Carta 


There's a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that

Charles Bukowski


I will waft in with the night air
,and leave as our days break
I'll Watch your fingers
graze an empty bed
You're Like a beautiful word
A french poet once said....

Mouth round a bottle
perfectly coarse
words scorch like a heated blanket
Wrap me in your anguish darling
 It's all I hear
Your blackened mind caresses
like Bats in my hair
It's all I hear
Don't take me there....

And I wish just sometimes
I was outside these windows
In the Good morning world
Between sex scented sheets
With Mozart on headphones
And the sonnets of Keats

Beautiful creatures
with magnificent lives
Delicious nude husbands
With perfume drunk wives
Cold Sunday mornings
And hangover cures
Cheap Prada suits
next to Christian Diors
Earl gray and warm toast
Bathrobes and strong soaps

And Oh!...
Just sometimes
 How I wish
 I was outside
These cold cold windows...

(c) Helena C Carta


Sitting in the sun watching you turn cold,
Reaching for a star where the skies burn gold,
Landing on the moon,
you pace dark circles round my room,

Funny how it goes, but I don't see you laughing
I'm Waiting for the snow I'm going to hide my face in...

If I had a gun and I had your mind to blow,
If there's life on Mars would you want to go...
Venus and the moon siting pretty like a cherry on a spoon...
Funny how it goes but I don't see you laughing...
I'm waiting for the snow I'm going to hide my face in...

Gazing through cars my minds an overload
Just give me satellites and stars...


This feels like Milkshake on my tongue
And I the pessimist smile at me
To think I dissmissed his exquisit lips so wryly

The first kiss melted into the bLack of my throat
and curled like gold around my telling toes

The second drove insanity deep into my belly
The third was blocked by shock, as scary as the first

The fourth and fifth did elevate and make the senses burst
Like a bubble to my brain like a tunnel over trains

Quick Slip me a Micky Finn
I want to play your Violin
And we'll have sex like Marilyn
Over and Over and Over....
For I am fragile
like biscuit crumble....
But with torn emotions....
You twist and curl over me....
then me turns to ..
The little melting sex savages in synchronized haze....

I tasted crayfish for the first time...
The Township flag blew out of line....
I will NEVER sleep in this bed again...

I counted paw prints in the concrete (as I left)....
There were 13....

(c) Helena C Carta


The Siren J.W. Waterhouse

I am YOURS when Mother Moon she stirs still or sultry
Bound to you as enchanting as a voodoo doll...
Cold and restlessly...

The yearning Screeeches in me like A Sealess Siren possessed to cull this bleak relentless wanting....

For I AM YOURS.....


BUT YOU are not mine....

YOU are someone else' beau...
Someone else' heart is light and slightly flustered...
Someone else is both love lorn and enthralled...
Someone else is enraptured In the charm...
That is not mine...

YOU are not mine......

YOU are not mine......

You are not MINE....

(c) Helena C Carta