
Ground down
 the coffee spiced smell of indecency
spills an acre of love on the kitchen floor
The laughing cow across the street, 
bellows her way through her third cream cake..

The breakers break 
and so does the morning.. 
Slow, dry, churning sensation in her clouds...

The planes juggle the birds 
the butterfly's flutter on a wing and a prayer, 
and in her silky underwear...

Who'd have thought it 
Sweet Elephant boy 
narrow as pancake,
 With  singed singing heart..

He woos her
 his short jokes and timely demeanor..
becoming metronome...

Vixen plays her game 
uncanny and compromised...
As beautiful and as French as can be... 
smoking his Gitanes and drinking his cold ground coffee...

(c) Helena C Carta